Cancellation of Baltic Grain Exchange 2020
DAKOFO and ProAgro regret to inform our always endearing delegates that the Baltic Grain Exchange of the 17th of September 2020 is cancelled due to the extraordinary circumstances caused by Covid-19.
Nevertheless, we hope that you will mark your calendar for the European Commodities Exchange 2021 which is going to be held on the 7th – 8th of October 2021 in Copenhagen. We are looking very much forward to welcoming you when we in Denmark, as a proud nation of production of grain and other agricultural products, host the ECE 2021. The European Commodities Exchange which is probably the most important grain exchange of the year.
DAKOFO and ProAgro look forward to spending the days of ECE with our delegates from the Baltic Grain Exchange as well.
If any questions or you seek to know more, you are always welcome to contact the DAKOFO Team at info@dakofo.dk
Date: 19th of June 2020